I hereby authorize the EASTERN ATLANTIC STATES REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS to act as my Collective Bargaining Agent in dealing with my employer in regard to wages, hours and other conditions of employment. All previous authorizations made by me are revoked.

I authorize my Employer to deduct from my Gross Wages the amount set forth in the Collective Bargaining Agreement (“CBA”) as Working Dues, including the portion of which to be exclusively used to fund the job recovery dues program. The dues are to be paid by my Employer to the Eastern Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters in the manner provided by the current CBA.

This dues deduction authorization shall be binding for a period of one year and not beyond the termination date of the current CBA, whichever occurs sooner. This authorization shall automatically renew itself for successive yearly or applicable contract periods thereafter unless I give notice to revoke such authorization to the Employer and the Union not more than twenty or less than ten days prior to any periodic renewal date of this authorization.

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